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Following a Meal Plan vs Flexible DietingUpdated 2 months ago

All THE BOD programs offer the option to follow a custom designed meal plan or take the macro approach and flexible diet. You have the choice to have your nutrition set for you and follow a meal plan that gives you consistency and structure or you can create your own meal plan from scratch which allows for more flexibility in your lifestyle.  

What is a Meal Plan?

A custom designed set meal plan consists of fixed meals you follow and consume day-to-day. Having the same meals provides ease of use which some people love the convenience of, while others find it mentally challenging to eat the same thing every day. These are unique to you and your goals. Every single plan is custom to you. 

Set Meal Plan Pros:

  • Peace of mind and trust in the program – you simply eat what’s set out for you

  • Helps you understand how a certain meal plan can help you achieve a certain goal

  • Convenient and suits busier lifestyles

  • Food preparation is easier as you are preparing the same meals

Set Meal Plan Cons:

  • Makes eating out ‘harder’ – unlike flexible dieting, the idea of a set meal plan doesn’t take eating out into consideration

What is Flexible Dieting?

Flexible dieting is based around ensuring that what you eat in a day aligns with a specifically set macro ratio. Macros consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. 

We use formulas to first determine the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats you need to consume to reach a certain goal. The goal doesn’t necessarily have to be weight loss either, you could be tracking to maintain your weight or even gain. This approach allows you to select the foods you want to eat and still achieve results, as long as you are hitting your macros as closely as possible.

Flexible Dieting Pros:

  • Allows you to eat out socially and has more flexibility in your day-to-day eating

  • Convenient, and able to be followed when travelling, socialising or at work functions

  • You can combine both inside your plan

Flexible Dieting Cons:

  • Food preparation is harder if you are planning to eat different things day-to-day

  • You need to commit to measuring and weighing your food

  • It can lead to unhealthy behaviour if you aren’t opting for mainly wholefoods in your diet

If you are having any trouble deciding which option will best suit your lifestyle then feel free to send us an email to [email protected]

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